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Belgium brothel

With Semitix, find the best brothels in Belgium classified by city. A real guide to sex clubs as well as information on erotic massages and hostess bars. It is important to know that in Belgium, prostitution is tolerated in some clubs. But there are no brothels in its classic version. On the other hand, you can find some establishments calling themselves “escort clubs”.

There are no brothels in Belgium in the traditional sense of the term. However, there are a certain number of establishments of an erotic or sexual nature that are tolerated. Many establishments are called sex clubs, they are often hostess bars offering stip-tease or sex shows. In addition, Belgium has a large number of erotic or tantric massage.

Even if prostitution practice is tolerated, there are no brothels in the strict sense of the term in Belgium. Some clubs call themselves sex clubs or escort clubs in the area of Brussels.

Because brothel doesn’t exist, Belgium has many erotic massage or tantric massage parlors, some of them clearly offer sexual services while others only provide erotic no sex services.

Belgium brothels in Europe capital

Belgium is famous for its medieval cities, its architecture but also for its role as the capital of Europe.  It is the seat of the European Union and NATO. Belgium has 11.3 million inhabitants with a density of 84 inhabitants per square kilometer. Mr X from Semitix has selected for you 6 major cities and more than 15 sex clubs and massage establishments offering escorts.

In Belgium, pimps are systematically prosecuted, which was not the case before. Soliciting is also prohibited. This means that an individual cannot be on the public road and call out to potential clients to offer sexual services. On the other hand, in Belgium, clients are not prosecuted, nor are spouses or persons living with a prostitute.

How to choose brothels Belgium

Les prix des maisons closes sont beaucoup plus élevés – jusqu’à 300 euros. “Sur les routes principales de Belgique, vous trouverez souvent des bars avec une lumière rose, rouge, bleue ou violette. Beaucoup de ces bars ne font pas partie de l’industrie du bordel et les filles qui s’y trouvent ne font que discuter et s’amuser.

Elles seront heureuses de boire à vos frais, généralement du champagne ou tout ce qui ressemble à du champagne, et parfois de danser avec vous. Le flirt et autres libertés sont tout à fait abordables mais pas plus. Les hôtesses sont là pour parler mais pas pour faire l’amour, ce qui est très demandé par les voyageurs d’affaires.

Il est donc possible de partager une conversation agréable, de boire une bière et de danser. Attention : vous risquez de perdre beaucoup d’argent dans ces bars et de ne jamais trouver ce que vous cherchez si vous n’êtes intéressé que par le sexe.

Brothels Belgium informations

According to very preliminary estimates Belgium currently employs about 20,000 prostitutes. The brothels with typical windows are located in Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent.

In 1992 the port area of Antwerp was the scene of an important event: King Baudouin visited the “gay quarter” and even talked with prostitutes. The Belgian legislation on prostitution leaves much to be desired. It is its imperfections that sometimes force prostitutes to leave their place of work

In fact, in Belgium prostitution is legal but the law can be interpreted in such a way that almost everything is forbidden. Thus there is no clear distinction between pimps and a brothel. Addresses of brothels are quite easy to find but many clubs are located outside the city or in villas and small farms.